
PigsFromHell is a 3D, top down, twin stick shooter. You play as your choice of 20 different heros, fighting to stop the invasion of demon pigs from hell. Along your journey you can unlock and use any of the 17 unique weapons to try and contain these porkticularly hogs. There is also a endless survival mode if you want to put your skills to the test.

PigsFromHell was released in the winter of 2023. Along with MatchEmMonsters, it was made in Unity and is my second Unity game. I drew a lot of inspiration from Call of Duty Zombies as well as a COD mini game called Dead ops Arcade. Both games were favorites of mine growing up and I had a lot of fun combining them into my biggest game yet. This game was a new challenge for me. I ended up re-writing much of the weapon saving system and am super happy with what I came up with. Overall I've improved a lot regarding my project set up and code architecture and am excited to continue growing as a developer. If you have some time, check it out on the App Store.